1. The motto of the school is “Lead me from darkness to light”.
2. Students who come to school in their own transport should arrive at the school five minutes before the warning bell. The warning bell before class is a signal for all to go to the assembly. After the assembly, they should go to their classroom, get their books ready in silence, and prepare for the beginning of class. Changes of classrooms, between periods should be done in discipline and order. When teachers enter and leave the classrooms, students are to stand and greet them in the customary way and give them proper attention and respect.
3. Conduct that is injurious to the moral tone of the school or the rights of others and not in accord with the required discipline is liable to incur suspension or dismissal.
4. Students are not allowed to receive visitors or make phone calls. They will not be permitted to leave their class to answer a phone call. Only if the matter is very urgent will the student be called to the phone.
5. No student may leave the school premises during school hours or recess without the express permission of the Principal.
6. Students who come to school in the care of domestic workers should never leave school before the workers arrive to take them home. Those who go home alone, particularly those who stay for activities, should not loiter on the way but be prompt in returning home.
7. Students are expected to take good care of their books and personal belongings. Valuable articles may not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen goods.
8. Care must be taken of school property and restitution to be made for damaged articles. Students are forbidden to scratch or write on furniture, walls, or windows or to write in library books or other school books magazines or spoil them in any way.
9. Students are encouraged to join the various activities of the school, and they must be regular in attending the activity once they have given their names.
10. Any student desiring to be, exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that he / she is physically unfit to take part.
11.No student should be sent to school if suffering from a contagious or infectious disease.
12. Students should bring to school only their textbooks. Other books or magazines, if thought to be useful may be brought only with the approval of the class teacher or the Principal. Magazines and books (other than texts or library books) will be confiscated and disposed of. The same applies to videos, audio cassettes, and CDs.
13. Students may not offer presents to their teachers except in those circumstances sanctioned by the Principal.
14.Children should not bring crackers, colours, transistors, mobile phones etc. to the school. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours are liable to lead to expulsion of students from the school.
15.The date of birth of the student as recorded in the admission register at the time of admission cannot be changed.
Class I to IV (Boys)
Navy blue half-pants, white half-sleeve shirt for boys. (No pockets)
V to XII
Navy blue full pants, white half-sleeve shirt for boys. (No pockets)
Black school shoes with white socks for all (no other type shoes are expected to be worn by school students)
Class I to VI Girls
Red pleated skirt, white half-sleeve
Black school shoes with white keen length socks
Class VII – X Girls
White Salwar and Red Sameez with white vest
Class XI and XII Girls
White Salwar and Red Sameez with white dupatta (XII)
Winter Uniform
Cardigans and other accessories:
1. LKG, UKG: Black leggings, Red Sweater with hood, Red Scarf
2. Class I to IV : Red leggings, Red Sweater and Red woolen scarf
3. Class V up: Red leggings Red woolen scarf and Red blazer
1. LKG, UKG: Black full Pants, Red Sweater with hood.
2. Class I to XII: Navy Blue Sweater, Navy Blue Woolen Cap (Muffler), Navy Blue Blazer with school monogram.
Uniform will be available at Dress Land, Hatwah Market, Patna.
Sports Uniform: White Trousers, House Colour T – Shirt with school monogram and white kets with white plain socks.
(All fee payments are made online and no cash is accepted)
1. The tuition fee covers 12 calendar months and must be paid in 4 installments (April-June) in April, (July-Sept.) in July, (Oct-Dec) in Oct. and (Jan-March) in Jan. But the fee portal will be opened for the whole A/Y and late fine will be charged after scheduled period.
2. No deduction is made in school fees due to the absence of a student from class or for holidays that fall within the school year.
3. No transfer certificate will be issued until all school dues are paid in full.
4. While unnecessary charges will not be made in the fees, the Governing Body of the institution reserves the right to increase the fees in accordance with the salary increase and cost of maintenance.
No one who has been absent on the previous day may be admitted to the class without the permission of the Principal. Absence must be explained in a note addressed to the Principal and signed by the parent/guardian. If a student is absent for more than 10 days (two weeks) without prior information, her / his name will be struck off from the school register. In such cases re- admission is required with the re-admission fee.
1. The CBSE Examination will ensure a general education without any diversification of studies as all candidates are required to enter and sit for all the compulsory subjects listed below.
English, Second Language, Math, Social Science, (History, Economics, Civics, Geography) and Science (i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Biology). Regular attendance and pass grade in Work Experience, Community Service Projects, Health and Physical Education
2. As each child is a unique individual, the policy of the school is that promotion is granted when a student has demonstrated her / his ability to cope with the next step in education.
3. Promotion is granted on the basis of the year’s work and not merely on marks scored in the final assessment. The Principal’s decision with regard to promotion is final. The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be reconsidered. Answer papers of these tests will not be shown. A student is required to get a minimum of 40% marks in all the subjects.
4. 85% attendance is a pre-requisite for promotion.
5. A student who shows no signs of improvement or who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue her/his studies in the school.
6. Transfer certificates issued after the final assessment will state clearly whether the student was “promoted” or “not promoted” , according to the actual results.
The intended withdrawal of a pupil should be made known to the Principal in writing at least one calendar month in advance or one month’s fees will be charged.
1. Do your home study in a quiet place, away form all distraction.
2. Do first the subject you like, then the rest of the work will be easier.
3. Do all the assignments. If you have written your homework in your diary correctly, you will be sure to do the right assignment.
4. Do the assignment the way you are taught in the school.
5. Do your best work, best thinking, and best writing. Check your work when you have finished.
6. Ask yourself when you have finished whether you have done your best.
7. Get enough physical exercise in the afternoon. It will help you to study better.
8. If you have something to memorize, do it at night, then recall it again in the morning.
9. Study at the end of the week all that was learnt during the week. The regular tests are meant to help you to do this.
10. Pray before and after your studies that God may bless your efforts to succeed.