Education: A Path towards Discovery and Transformation
In every sphere we set goals strategically and strive to follow the same diligently. Education is no different; schools set collective goals, students set their personal goals, parents have their own goals for their children. Ultimately what boils down to is the final outcome by the end of the year is the joy of celebrating progress! In that path of progress we discover panoramic 360 degrees of inevitable learning, being and doing! We realize the results of our striving, industrious and nonstop search for MORE in the way of discovering the facts and figures of life called experience!
In order to discover the individual potential each student must indulge in regular revision through direct involvement in all that takes in achieving one’s goal. This becomes a lifelong experience for a child when parents become partners in the project called “LEARNING”. Such tangible learning transforms a learner into a Sensitive Aero Scientist, a Mesmerizing Mathematician, an Engaging Artist, a Mature Musician, an Awakened Astronomer, an Unbeatable Athlete, a Super Sports Star, an Expert Archeologist, a Hailed Horticulturist and the list is endless.
A full School Bag becomes an asset only when it is utilized consciously for the purpose of learning and discovering, or else it remains a mere heavy load for children unless and until they befriend their books. It is emphatic that 100% is not enough only with book knowledge to run the rat race in today’s competitive world. Besides daily learning and achievements there are other Co scholastic areas that cement and support experiences with information beyond books. Olympiads, Health and Physical Education, Art Education, General Studies etc help students gain collaborative mastery over subjects which otherwise are taken for granted.
From the very onset of the academic session 2019 -20 students are expected to give their 100% effort in order to reach the pinnacle of their goal so that the end of the year becomes a joyful celebration of dignified promotion with pride, making the “Learner Centric” approach of Education not only in principle but a reality!
I wish a year of individual enthusiastic search, focused collaborative endeavor and an anticipated success for parents, teachers and Students, ultimately for their Alma Mater – NOTRE DAME!