Students are admitted in Notre Dame Academy to Balvatika. Announcement for the admission procedures are put up on school notice board in January. An affidavit stating the date of Birth will be submitted at the time of admission along with the date of Birth certificate and Aadhaar card issued by the competent authority. No further change will be made once this date of birth and name of student as per the registration / admission form has been registered in the school records. Notre Dame being the project school of National Thermal Power Corporation, wards of NTPC employees and Project affected People (PAP) get first priority along with their necessary documents verified by the competent authority. Selection of other candidates is done on the basis of a process approved by the management. Any mal -practice in procuring the necessary documents leads to disqualification of the application.
Admissions to other classes depend on the availability of seats as per the CBSE norms. The announcement is made through School Notice Board as well as School Website. Admissions in class IX and X are permissible only in cases of transfer of the employees of Central Government and NTPC employees. This procedure involves parents’ active participation in acquiring necessary documents, permissions from the Regional Offices of their previous school.
Application forms for admission to class XI are ordinarily filled immediately after the announcement of the CBSE Class X results.